Crédit photographique :  Henry Chan

La Variante - A study on the artist's relationship to his studio.

I am asking the artistic community to participate in the first phase of the La variante project in order to build an image bank that will play the role of data base in my aesthetic and formal research.

This subject, often represented in art history, is a fertile one, for the artist who occupies a space entirely dedicated to creation, located most of the time outside of his residence. A space that becomes an intimate, even sacred zone. The artist must configure his studio and make it his own to draw the maximum potential from it. Over time and with his occupation, he develops an evolving relationship with his environment that goes from a safe space to a playground where everything is possible, from a construction site to a broadcasting space. For me, besides being a workspace, the studio can perform all of these functions because it can be activated in various ways. This place, which is not neutral, with specific parameters, also makes it possible to commit to collaboration, to stimulate creation between colleagues, to provoke meetings, and to take risks. The studio is that area where anything can happen.


Each artist who adopts a new working environment must build a creative space that will meet his specific needs. With this project, I want to look at how the artist composes this space. How is it arranged? How is the space divided - within the studio and in sharing a place with other artists? How are the elements arranged to create a personalized and unique configuration? How does the artist relate to his environment? Because the studio is as much a physical as a mental environment which allows the artist to have the necessary space for creation. It is also a collaborative area where, beyond the sharing of spaces, resources are pooled, thus encouraging a community of peers.


Crédits photographiques : Mathieu Lacroix

Titre : Deux piliers, unité d’un état 

Médium : crayons couleur, crayon feutre, encre, graphite,

               pastels sec, pastels gras, stylo      bille 

Sur papier 

Dimension: 18 X 24 pouces 

Année: 2021 

The artist thanks the Conseil des arts du Canada for its financial support